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We have created a Covid-19 Response Plan, which includes measures to deal with a suspected outbreak.  This is a living and changing document, shareable on request. 


When booking a desk, we will ask some Y/N questions around if you are displaying symptoms and/or in a high-risk category.


There are sanitisation spray stations at the main entrances, at various points around the workspace, and alcohol gel on every desk. Additionally, you'll find hands-free soap dispensers in the bathrooms. 


We provide tissues and bins around the workspace. Whilst not mandatory, we encourage individuals to wear a mask in busy areas.


The kitchen, bathrooms, doors, and other handled areas will be cleaned regularly throughout the standard workday hours. The desks, floors and other surface areas will be cleaned at the end of the workday. And once a week the building will be cleaned by an external cleaning company.


The workspace has high ceilings and windows that can be easily accessed and opened, and a HEPA certified air purifier unit.


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Here you'll find information on our response to Covid-19. These practices have been created in line with 'The Transitional Protocol: Good Practice Guidance for Continuing to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19', a revision of the Work Safely Protocol, and the latest Government announcement made on the 28th February 2022.
Last updated on Sat 5th March 2022.

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